PRESS RELEASE-UNIVERSWATER 2nd Project Meeting in Neuchâtel, Switzerland
12th – 13th February 2025, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
The UNIVERSWATER partners gathered for a two-day hybrid meeting (in-person and online) at CSEM in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, from February 12th to 13th, 2025. The meeting brought together partners from six countries—Greece, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Belgium—to review project progress, share best practices, and map out the next steps in advancing sustainable agricultural-water management. Discussions focused on the technical progress of the deliverables, including pollutant detection sensors, AI-driven decision support systems, and earth observation for water management. Strategies for disseminating and communicating project results were presented, along with discussions on upcoming pilot applications in Teagasc Moorepark (Ireland), Torre Guaceto (Italy), and Prespa Lake (Greece).
All project partners participated in the meeting, ensuring a broad exchange of insights and collaboration across the consortium. The University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) was represented by Professor Malamati (Tenia) Louta, who presented the progress of the Greek pilot site in Lake Small Prespa. Participants included representatives from LEITAT (Spain), WINGS ICT Solutions (Greece), Omega Innovations (Greece), National Observatory of Athens (Greece), SysMan Progetti & Servizi (Italy), CSEM (Switzerland), the National Research Council – IRSA (Italy), Tyndall National Institute (Ireland), Water Europe (Belgium), Acquedotto Pugliese (Italy), Consorzio di Gestione di Torre Guaceto (Italy), Teagasc (Ireland), University of Galway (UOG) (Ireland), Planetek (Italy), and CNR-IRSA Institute (Italy).
The meeting concluded with the definition of the next steps and the strengthening of collaboration among partners to achieve the project’s objectives.
For more information, visit the project website at:
The project is co-funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program.
The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the University of Western Macedonia and in no case should it be considered as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the authorities of the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program.