Research Area
Telecommunication Networks and Advanced Services (TELNAS) Laboratory at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), School of Engineering, University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) focuses on:
- Development of algorithms, methods, systems and applications for bringing intelligence, adaptation, personalization and cognition in networks and services
- Development of multi-criteria / multi-objective optimization and advanced decision support systems, machine learning techniques, predictive analytics and diagnosis mechanisms
- Development of desicion making systems to enable accurate knowledge extraction and personalized information provisioning, offering promising solutions in various domains (e.g., smart cities, energy, water, agriculture, livestock, environment, health).
Specifically, the laboratory emphasizes on the design, optimization and performance evaluation of:
- telecommunication networks,
- next generation networks and services,
- context-aware/ social-aware/semantic-aware networks and services,
- 5G/B5G systems,
- IoT technologies and applications,
- mobile crowd sensing systems,
- trust management and cooperation enforcement mechanisms,
- big data analytics,
- machine learning and predictive analytics,
- multi-criteria optimization,
- decision support and
- cloud computing.

The members coordinate and participate in many research and development projects and project proposals (national and international), while TELNAS has an active cooperation with Public Power Corporation (PPC S.A.), Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage in Kozani (DEYAK), Municipality of Kozani, Prefecture of Western Macedonia and other utilities, companies, administration bodies, universities within and outside Greece.