The 3rd meeting of the research program AUGEIAS (Intelligent IoT management platform for treated wastewater reuse for agricultural use) was hosted online on the 20th of May 2021.
During this meeting, details of the implementation of the first (laboratory) version of the IoT network for measurements of water and soil quality characteristics were presented to the partners. First, the general architecture of the IoT network of AVGEIA was presented and then details of implementation of the LoRaWAN network were reported regarding the first laboratory version of the IoT network. Specifically, Lora Gateway Bridge, Network Server and Application Server have been implemented using the chirpstack platform on the lab server on a Ubuntu (Ubuntu Virtual Machine) virtual machine using static IP, on a private infrastructure using the openstack cloud platform and docker cloud computing platform to efficiently manage its resources. A Libelium Smart Environment Pro sensor system from the Labs and Advanced Services Laboratory with temperature, humidity and CO concentration sensors was used, which is connected to a MutliConnect Conduit LoRaWAN gateway gateway from Multitech, which operates in ISM 86. The sensors was activated using Over The Air Activation (OTAA).