Dr. Vasilios Lazaridis
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Technical University of Budapest, Hungary). He holds a PhD in Applied Informatics from the University of Macedonia (Greece) on Education of Linear Algorithms Optimization. His research interests focus on the fields of Algorithms, Optimization, Computer Networks, Machine Learning and Education. He has worked as a technical manager of the Computer Network (GUNet) of the TEI of Western Macedonia, with 30 years of teaching experience in networking, programming, e-commerce, IT teaching.

Dr. Thomas Kiriakidis
Non-tenure Teaching Staff
Dr. Thomas Kyriakidis is a member of the non-tenure staff on Operations Research at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is an Electronics and Computer Engineer, with an MSc in Business Informatics and a PhD in Algorithms for Optimal Project Scheduling.
He worked for years as an Adjunct Associate Professor and Laboratory Associate in various Departments at the ATEI of Western Macedonia. He has held positions of responsibility such as Head of the Network Operations Center of the University of Western Macedonia, as Head of the Center for Informatics and New Technologies of Primary and Secondary Education of the Prefecture Kozani and as a member of Project Management Teams for the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Additionally, he has teaching and training experience in Secondary Education, Public Vocational Schools, the Municipal Police Academy and the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government.
He is a reviewer in international journals and conferences and his research interests are Operational Research, Mathematical Programming and Optimization, Project and Production Scheduling, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Decision Support Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Intelligent Water Management, Precision Agriculture and Precision Livestock Farming.

Ioannis Vandikas
Non-tenure Teaching Staff
Ioannis Vandikas is a member of the non-tenure staff at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is an Electronic Engineer of T.E. of TEI of Thessaloniki, with a postgraduate diploma in Mechatronics of the Department of Electrical Engineering of TEIWM with a certificate of pedagogical competence from ASPAITE Thessaloniki.
He has worked in electronic and telecommunication project design companies for over six years. The courses of the Curriculum of the Department that he has taught in the laboratory are: Electrical Measurements and Electronics I. He worked for years in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the TEI of Western Macedonia in the laboratory courses Electronic Constructions, Measurement Systems, Automatic Control Systems Power Electronics. Teaching experience in Secondary education and in Public IEK. His research interests are Electronic Circuit Design, IoT Applications, and Microcontrollers in industrial automation applications.
Dr. Nikos Dimokas
Assistant Professor
Nikos Dimokas is an assistant professor at the Department of Informatics of the University of Western Macedonia and a research associate at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). Nikos Dimokas obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Crete, Greece, in 2001 and 2004, respectively. He obtained his Ph.D. from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2010.
During August 2001 – December 2005 he worked as a research and development engineer in the Information Systems Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH). During September 2010 – June 2020 he worked as an adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia teaching courses like Advanced Topics on Databases, Mobile Computing, Distributed Systems, Object Oriented Programming.
His research interests lie in the area of Databases, Data Management, Mobile Computing and Distributed Systems. In particular, his research focuses on big data analysis, distributed systems over wireless networks (wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc networks), mobile and pervasive computing with emphasis on data management and data dissemination, mobile applications development for various operating systems (iOS, Android, etc), web information retrieval (social network analysis). He has participated in more than 15 European and National research projects. He holds publications in international conferences, in scientific journals and book chapters.

Dr. George Konstantas
Non-tenure Teaching Staff
Dr. George Konstantas is a graduate of the Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean and holds a PhD in Business Administration from the same University.
He has worked in private sector and has taken responsible positions in Greek businesses such as logistics manager, warehouse and stock manager. From 1998 to April 2011 he worked for the Special Account for Research Funds at University of the Aegean where recent years he has held the position of project manager.
From May 2011 to December 2017 he has worked at the University of Western Macedonia as head of the Special Account for Research Funds. Since December 2014, he is a member of the non-tenure teaching staff at the same university and he teaches Project Management, Business Administration and Investment Assessment. He has also participated, as a project manager and researcher, in many national and European research projects.
He has teaching experience at other departments of the University of Western Macedonia, at the University of Western Greece (now Univ. of Patras), at the Logistics Department of the former TEI of Chalkida, the Hellenic Open University.
His research interests include Business Process Management, Chain Value Management, Business Process Reengineering, Knowledge Management, Change Management, Corporate Culture and Organizational Behavior and Project Management.