Konstantina Banti
Konstantina Banti graduated from Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering of University of Western Macedonia in 2016 (5 years).
Now, she is a PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Engineering Faculty of University of Western Macedonia where her main research interest is in the area of the Mobile Crowd Sensing in Smart Cities.
Also, she is an academic scholar of the department in the project entitled “Intelligent IoT management platform for treated wastewater reuse for agricultural use (“AUGEIAS”)”.
Her research interests focus on the areas of mobile crowdsensing, data quality, blockchain.

Thomas Dimakis
Thomas Dimakis received the diploma of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering of the homonymous department of the Engineering Faculty of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh) in 2018.
Since November 2020 he is PhD student with subject “Advanced artificial intelligence techniques for internet of things” from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Engineering Faculty of University of Western Macedonia (UoWM).
Since January 2021 he is an academic scholar of the department in the project entitled “Intelligent IoT management platform and utilization of recycled biological treatment water for irrigation of crops in precision agriculture (“AUGEIAS”)”.
From March 2020 to December 2020, he was working as a research associate in Information Technologies Institute of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH).
His research interests concern artificial intelligence, internet of things, computer security and application development.

Panagiotis Voutskidis
Panagiotis Voutskidis graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, School of Engineering of the University of Patras. He also holds a Master’s Degree in “Computer Systems” from the Department of Applied Informatics of the University of Macedonia.
Since March 2021, he is a doctoral student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia. His thesis subject is “Orchestration Strategies in MEC systems”.
He has been working since 2007 at the Network Operations Center of the University of Western Macedonia with objects in the whole range of Information and Communication Technologies.
His research interests focus on the area of wired and wireless data and communications networks.

Ioanna Karampelia
Ioanna Karampelia graduated from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Western Macedonia in 2021. Now, she is a PhD student in the same department with subject “Intelligent system for UAVs fleet management”.
Since April 2021, she is working in the project entitled “Intelligent IoT management platform for treated wastewater reuse for agricultural use (“AUGEIAS”), on the development of LoRaWAN networks. Her research interests focus on the areas of drones, internet of things, low power wide area networks (LPWANs).

Evangelos Tsipis
Evangelos Tsipis received the Degree of Surveying Engineering from the Department of Surveying, Faculty of Technological Applications, Technological Educational Institute of Athens in 2003 and the Diploma of Rural and Surveying Engineering from the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering (SR&SE), Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in 2009. He holds a Master’s Degree in “Techniques and Methods for Spatial Analysis, Planning and Management” from the same institute, since 2011.
Since December 2021 he is a doctoral student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia. His thesis subject is “Intelligent Decision Support System for emergency response exploiting artificial intelligence techniques and operational research tools”
He has been working, since 2010 as a consultant for public works in Greece and Cyprus. Between 2015 and 2020 as co-founder and Tech Lead for the company “TerraCognita” he participated in projects of spatial planning, digital cartography and geographic information systems. He has been working in European and Greek research projects (Horizon2020 etc.) at fields of work that include modelling, development of decision-making systems and integration of information systems.
His research interests include decision making systems, machine learning, applications of operations research and application development.

Dimitris Theodorou
Dimitris Theodorou graduated from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia in 2022.
Since December 2022, he is a PhD candidate with subject “Artificial intelligence and optimization techniques for smart and sustainable development” in the same department.
His research interests focus on the area of artificial intelligence, image analysis and IoT.

Nikolaos Chantavas
Nikolaos Chantavas graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Western Macedonia
Since April 2024 he is a PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the same University.
His research interests focus on the area of carbon sequestration models, air quality and machine learning algorithms.