Lab members coordinate and participate in writing and submitting a variety of proposals for national and international, research and development projects. Currently, the following research projects have been approved and are being implemented in collaboration with research institutions, companies and other bodies:

The project focuses on enhancing urban resilience against floods by developing an integrated, advanced Decision Support System (DSS) to support local authorities in flood prevention, management, and mitigation efforts. The project targets rivers and streams close to urban areas, aiming to reduce the risks posed by climate change and rapid urbanization. With the collaboration of 11 partners from 8 countries, URBANFLOODS promotes transnational cooperation, innovative flood management solutions, and sustainable climate resilience strategies…

RES2FIRE aims to create fire hazard maps, to identify the type of fire and the means needed to extinguish it, to determine the severity of damage and the resilience capacity of damaged areas, and to identify forestry models capable of increasing the resilience of ecosystems to fire. Finally, a webGIS decision support tool will be developed to assess fire risk and the most appropriate forest management techniques. With the collaboration of 9 partners from 7 countries, the project promotes transnational cooperation, the development of innovative solutions for fire management and resilience to climate change….

Water quality and quantity are under arising pressure from agricultural activities that may cause overexploitation of natural waters and pollutants runoffs (e.g., nutrients, pesticides). These stresses are also compounded by climate change effects. To address the complex challenges of agri-water management, the UNIVERSWATER consortium will adopt a “system of systems” approach by developing and improving technologies designed to optimise water resources uses in a fully integrated way…
«Intelligent IoT management platform for treated wastewater reuse for agricultural use (AUGEIAS)»

AUGEIAS research project develops an integrated intelligent ecosystem, consisting of an innovative, easy-to-install and fully-parameterized LPWAN with IoT end-devices that enable real-time monitoring of the wastewater treatment infrastructure and agricultural sites, analyze and correlate collected data…
«Development and application of innovative techniques in mink farming, to improve health and wellbeing of animals and fur quality (Welmink)»

Welmink research project aims to strengthen the relation between mink farms with Greek universities and research institutes and to explore innovative practices that will strengthen the fur industry. Specifically, it aims to improve the productivity of mink farms by simultaneously enhancing the health and animals wellbeing and improving the fur quality by supplementing the diet of mink with sea buckthorn…
«Development of an integrated milk management system, using new technologies, for quality assurance and milk product traceability in the milk industry (FarmDain)»

FarmDain aims to improve the primary production and processing of milk in order to support the dairy zone of company Dimitriou and the cooperating breeders in order to ensure the commercial utilization of the produced dairy products and to promote the breeding of small ruminants through the sustainable development sector…

The project involves the supply and installation of equipment to upgrade the water supply infrastructure. The primary goals are to reduce leaks, save water resources, monitor and enhance the quality of the supplied water, and create an integrated water resources management system for the Municipality’s water supply network in Souliou. The system comprises three (3) Local Water Quality Monitoring Stations…
«Technical and financial study for the comparative evaluation of modern smart water metering systems and data transmission technologies»

This study includes a comparative techno-economic analysis and evaluation of the most prevalent technological solutions for smart water metering. As a first step, solutions adοpted by national and international water utility companies are studied, while the technical specifications of commercial products available are presented in a detailed manner. Alternative implementation scenarios are considered and analyzed…
«New technologies and innovative approaches in Agri-food and Tourism to enhance excellence in Western Macedonia (AGRO – TOUR)»

«Work Package 2: Intelligent Bean Cultivation Optimization System in the context of Precision Agriculture – VELOS»
WP2 research project aims to capitalize research results in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) to create a smart ecosystem. The viability of livestock companies requires a shift from profit maximization to reduced production costs and improved product quality…
«Welfare monitoring system and management of small ruminants in the wider area of Bourinos (WELLNESS)»

The project develops and sets up a pilot implementation of a modern Precision Livestock Monitoring and Management System based on Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and the usage of sensors and smart devices to monitor and assess the health and welfare of sheep and goats and systematically record critical parameters of the milk production process in selected farms. The aim is to define a model for livestock management, regarding nutrition, farm hygienic conditions, animal health conditions and productivity…